is the Website for Castlegregory and surrounding areas. Is an excellent place to advertise your business and increase traffic and hits to your own website.
You can add your business into several categories e.g you may offer accommodation and a restaurant therefore your business can be listed in both categories.
1. How do I register? Please phone the Information Center to discuss your requirements
2. How do I add my business listing?
Provide your details and written text that you would like included together with 4-6 pictures. When your listing is approved by Castlegregory Visitors Information and if you have paid your fees it will be published.
2. How much does it cost? There are various prices for a listing per year for the website – Below is our pricing for 2022 which runs from Jan 1st 2022- Dec 31st 2022
Provider | Per year | Per Week |
Bed and Breakfast | € 50.00 | € 0.96 |
Caravan Parks | € 50.00 | € 0.96 |
House Rentals | € 50.00 | € 0.96 |
Restaurants/Pubs | € 50.00 | € 0.96 |
Cafe | € 45.00 | € 0.87 |
Retail/Service Providers | € 40.00 | € 0.77 |
Hostels | € 30.00 | € 0.58 |
Transport | € 25.00 | € 0.48 |
3. How can I pay?
a-Please bring in your payment to the Office in Castlegregory, CASH/ CHEQUE: Make cheque payable to “Castlegregory Community Council”
b-Credit Transfer/ Direct Debit to our bank account
Bic Number BOFIIE2D,
iban IE55BOFI90583825374228. |
4. By post/ Email. Please send your pictures and description of your entry to : Castlegregory Visitors information ,Tailor’s Row, Castlegregory, Co. Kerry Ireland. V92 FH32.
- Any listing with inappropriate content or imagery will be deleted and your user account will be permanently suspended.
- Non payment of a listing will result in deletion of the listing. The listing can be published again on receipt of payment.