
Castlegregory Tidy Towns

Castlegregory TidyTowns

A collage of images of people and plants

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Who we are?

We are a subcommittee of Castlegregory Community Council working under the TidyTowns guidelines and principles to improve and maintain the beauty and biodiversity of Castlegregory.

What we do?

Our projects include:

  • Creating a biodiversity garden and pocket native forest at the West End Hall
  • Providing anti-litter signage for the village
  • Running anti-litter campaigns
  • Litter picking:
    • we take part in the National Spring Clean, the Big Beach Clean and the KWD county clean up where we collaborate with the Maharees Conversation Association, the local National School and other groups.
    • countless of smaller litter picks are carried out by our volunteers and local residents. If you would like to help, please contact us for bags 😊
  • Provide and maintain pocket pollinator gardens aka our planters through the village
  • Manage the playground, the west end hall garden and our planters as biodiverse and pollinator friendly habitats
  • Kerb cleaning and foot path weeding
  • Invasive species awareness Download Flyer Here
  • Recycling and Waste disposal flyer Download Flyer Here
  • Water conservation by installing water butts and supporting water conservation events
  • Supporting bats in the village through bat boxes and awareness
  • Pollinator and seed saving walks
  • Biodiversity mapping and walks
  • Supporting sustainability and circular economy events

A white sign with purple text

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Look out in the village for our new sign which you can find on our projects:

How can you support?

We go out every Saturday at 10 am throughout the year to progress various projects, weed, clean and litter pick. Throughout the summer we also meet one evening a week. Please check the TidyTowns noticeboard on the little library in the playground for information.

We are always looking for volunteers, either weekly or ad hoc, as well as additional volunteers to join our subcommittee.

If you are interested in joining us as a volunteer or would like to take part in a specific project, we are always open to collaborating.

Contact us:

Via email:

Via message through our Facebook page:


Find us at one of our weekly outings. Check the little library noticeboard at the Castlegregory Playground for details.


We wish to thank the following in particular:

A bee flying over a flower

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  • Our tireless and amazing volunteers who make all this possible
  • Funding from Kerry County Council of €6000 on 10 July 2019 under the Community Engagement Programme for cycle stands, signage, benches and seats in the village.
  • Kerry County Council for their support in maintaining the playground, the roads and signage, and their responsiveness in collecting litter.
  • Funding from An Pobal for 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 of €1000 each year to support TidyTowns projects.
  • Pollinator Award in 2021 and 2022, Leave no Trace Award in 2022 for the contribution of €1000 per award.
  • Our donors at our coffee mornings, various events and donations of planters, materials.

We appreciate your ongoing support.

We align with and signed up to the following:

SuperValu TidyTowns

All Ireland Pollinator Plan

A poster with a bee on a flower

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7 Leave No Trace Principles
  1. Plan Ahead – Check weather, bring proper clothing and footwear, water and food. Park and walk responsibly.
  2. Expect Closures –Before leaving home, consider lack of usual facilities such as toilets, shops, cafes, restaurants.
  3. Stay Home or Local – Unwell? Don’t go! Feeling well? Look for local trails, hidden gems, explore closer to home.
  4. Be Considerate: Maintain social distancing throughout the day – at least 2 metres apart. There is plenty of space in the outdoors for everyone!
  1. Time and Place: Find those hidden gems, avoid peak times, avoid difficult routes. Adhere to HSE guidelines.
  2. Leave No Trace: Don’t rely on or add to already overburdened services. Bring your own rubbish home.
  3. Be Dog Responsible: Keep dogs under control. Mind out for young wildlife. Pick up and bring home dog waste.
17 Sustainable Development Goals

Castlegregory Community Council

As a Castlegregory Community Council Sub-committee we fully support and align with policies and procedures that underpin the CCC.