Life an be challenging at the best of times and bring up difficult emotions for some. Looking after your mental health allows you to realize your full potential. You can work productively and cope with the stresses of everyday life. It helps you work with other people and contribute to society.
Check out these link for a better understanding of how to look after your mental health.
6 Ways To Improve Mental Health | Healing Hands Chiropractic (
If you or someone you know is feeling sad, lonely, depressed or suicidal at any time please contact one of the following numbers.
GP– 066 7139226
Southdoc is available on 1850 335 999 or
Pieta House – 1800 247 247
The Samaritans 116 123 or text ‘help’ to 087 2609090
Childline 1800 666 666, or text ‘talk’ to 50101
Jigsaw Kerry
Jigsaw Kerry– Young People’s Health in Mind. Tel:-066-7188785 E-Mail:-
We value young people.
We listen to the voice of young people and respect their expertise in being young.
We trust and believe in them and their ability to deal with issues and to contribute to decision making and relating to their mental health
We include young people in key decisions and leverage their skills and knowledge for the betterment of our organization
We show compassion.
We create compassionate spaces for the young people we support and for those who support us in the execution of our vision.
We will look out for and after our people and each other.
We are progressive.
We are innovative in thought and action and we challenge the status quo.
We refuse to rest on our laurels and strive to be better.
We are open to change and will always acknowledge what does not work
We aim to look at innovative ways of working together and with others to achieve our vision
We act with integrity.
We do the right thing, even when no one is looking.
We respect each other’s opinions and those of others we work with and deal with.
We treat all suppliers, partners and supporters with honesty and respect.
We are open in our dealing with others and are open to being wrong.
We work collaboratively.
We create meaningful relationships with like-minded ornganisations in a consistent manner for the benefit of young people.
We value what others can bring and acknowledge that we cannot achieve our vision alone.
We are driven by evidence.
We are open to, and informed by, evidence and will remain insights-driven.
We make as many decisions as possible by being informed by evidence.
We know why we do things.
We listen and learn from others.