The Jane Hillard Gallery,
Jane Hillard,
Bridge St,
V92 W188
Telephone 066-7180055 / 086-1504030
I am a self-taught artist and have been working as a full-time professional painter for over twenty years.
Painting has developed and sharpened my eye. I now see a beauty in things and places that in my younger years I would have past by. My aim is to bring that out in my work and enable others to see and experience that beauty through my work. I can’t begin to explain the sense of joy and satisfaction that I get from trying to capture the colours and atmosphere of the Irish landscape.
I work from my gallery in Tralee, Co, Kerry on the west coast of Ireland where my work is on exhibition and my studio is open to the public. I produce work for exhibition and to commission.
My art has featured in numerous selected exhibitions and I have received many private and public commissions.
My style is constantly changing, which often surprises and excites me. I am glad to say I see no completion of that development process.
My work is a living growing part of me or maybe I’m a living part of it. Commissions Welcome